Lupinus / lupine
Lupine © Celeste Ets-Hokin
Lupine along the coast of Santa Cruz, California © Rebecca Armstrong
Lupinus latifolius parishii (Parish's stream lupine) © Celeste Ets-Hokin
Lupine © Celeste Ets-Hokin
Genus: Lupinus
Common Name: Lupine
Many Lupinus species are particularly attractive to long-tongued bumble bees.
Native Regions
Most of North America, excluding the U.S. states of Tennessee, Missouri, and Arkansas, and the Canadian province of Manitoba
Many species, both annual and perennial, are routinely available and can be grown in most parts of the U.S. and Canada.
Many species are drought-tolerant, and occur naturally in a variety of settings, from rocky prairies and open pine woods to coastal dunes and stream beds. Most lupines tend to favor rocky or sandy, well-drained soils.
Annual and perennial, depending upon species
Bloom Time
Spring to early summer
Average Height
Ranges from 1 to 5 feet, depending on species, with 4 to 6-inch flower spikes
Flower Color
Full sun to partial shade, depending upon species
Water Requirements
Low to average, depending upon species
Recommended Species
Commercially available perennial species include:
Lupinus argenteus (silvery lupine), which is drought-tolerant and native to the western U.S. and Canada.
Lupinus perennis (sundial lupine), is native to the Eastern part of the U.S. and Canada, and grows naturally in sand hills or clearings and open woods.
A routinely available annual species is Lupinus arboreus (silver lupine), native to the California Coast Ranges, growing in grassy flats below 2000 ft. It is very adaptable, but prefers dry, well-drained soil.