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about the authors

Celeste Ets-Hokin

Celeste is the author of all narrative and scientific content of the "Bees," "Plants," and "Guides" sections found in “Wild Bee ID”, which was formerly known as the independent app, “Wild Bee Gardens”.  

Celeste, a Zoology graduate from U.C. Berkeley, has been working since 2009 to promote awareness about North America’s native bees, their vital role in our ecosystems, and the necessary measures to ensure their conservation. To support the work of The Great Sunflower Project and the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, Celeste created three consecutive North American native bee calendars. The calendars, which were designed to inspire gardeners and growers with an appreciation for the diversity of our native bees, and the need to provide habitat for them, became the foundation for the Wild Bee Gardens app. In 2009, Celeste also initiated a collaborative effort with the Alameda County Master Gardeners to establish a native bee demonstration garden located at the Gardens at Lake Merritt in Oakland, California. She has since given numerous talks on native bees for the Alameda County Master Gardener Speaker Series, as well as for local garden clubs, conservation groups and nurseries.
Rebecca and Arlo Armstrong

Becca and Arlo love to explore the outdoors. When not working on an app they can be found exploring nature or riding their bikes. As members of the local community garden they very much enjoy growing and cooking food (Becca) and eating it (Arlo). It was at the Lake Merritt native bee garden that they first met Celeste and started their journey learning about native bees. They currently live in Oakland, California.

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